As promised I have for all you lovelies 4 simple DIY projects that I only spent $40’s on!!! Each one of these projects were crazy simple, dang cheap and they each make a HUGE impact in their spaces! So check back this week as I reveal these projects!

So for our first course of $40 > 4 DIY Projects > 4 days I have for you our brand new
{DIY} Reclaimed Wood Vanity Mirrors.

These mirrors are such a simple upgrade to the framed mirrors that we inherited with the house. Ideally I’d love to have a HUGE mirror with built in sconces, you know the works and in a few years we do plan to DEMO the heck out of this room….so this little project was the perfect antidote; dang cheap and impactful!

Here is the Before and After of the Vanity Mirrors…AGHHHH SO MUCH BETTER.

{DIY} Reclaimed Wood Vanity Supply and Price Summary:
2 packs 2″ Flat Corner Braces ($2.47/pack) = $5
2 packs Mirror Clips ($1.96/pack) = $4
Gold leaf – but only because they were out of stock on the brass (but I prefer the Gold Leaf Paint look. = already owned
Reclaimed Wood (I used old fence wood – it is the perfect thickness)
White paint – already owned
2 Mirrora of your choice – mine are up-cycled from the old mirrors
Miter Saw
Table Saw
Circular Sander (could possibly get away with just sandpaper)
Wood screws
Total = $9
{DIY} Reclaimed Wood Vanity How To:
The first step I took was to paint the flat corner braces gold…yum. I. Love. Gold.

Next step in the process was the nitty gritty…rummaging though the old fence wood pile. I found the pieces that had the best texture and character and then cut them to my desire length on the miter saw. Then cut to the desired width on the table saw, then used the miter saw again for my 45 degree corner cuts. Once the pieces were all sliced and diced I made sure all fingers were still in tack. Then I sanded these bad boys to get all the “alive” ingredients off….you know the protein. I wasn’t particular about the sandpaper grade, these just needed a clean up.

I then assembled my shape and braced the backsides with some gorilla glue and scrap wood. Once dried I secured with some wood screws.

Now the fun part…I “white washed” these bad boys. This was my first time “white washing” and the technique is so easy. Just take some white paint, add water (I did 2 parts paint to 1 part water) but don’t measure just get wild and unruly. Then use a rag to wipe it on. Repeat for desired color. I did 2 coats.
Once Dry I added my fabu gold braces. Yum Gold.

Now flip the mirror face down and secure to the back side with these Mirror Clips. I used a picture frame hook to hang on the wall.

And here we have them in all their glory. I can just about tolerate being in this room now and I no longer find myself plotting it’s demise every time I’m in here. Which is a good thing because that demise called for a sledge hammer and studs…and Daana if your reading this, I don’t mean those kinds of studs, I mean the wall studs. Painting the walls white is also a major improvement too and really brightens the room. And yes I went wild and painted a drop ceiling…verdict is not out yet!

and of course I can’t forget a shot out to the wall ledge I built with extra shelf braces which I of course painted with gold leaf and some white washed fence wood.

Here is the before and after of the little bathroom ledge…

And the final shot…ooh so much better and for only $8 dollars I’m so happy and you know Andy is too!

And here is the shot of where we began! Baby steps…Baby steps…and NO that basket is not my decorating 🙂 .

So come back every day this week…I hope you enjoy the projects!