Here is my first post of Savannah’s Big Girl Room. I have been dreaming about this project for months…hopping and stressing that it would all come together and as of today we are more then 90% complete. Final things we need are fabric for curtains and delivery of her overhead light and then i will put a fork in it! Good bye Crib and hello Sophistication….because sophistication is what every 2 year old needs :).
- Wall color is Stonington Grey from Benjamin Moore
- Chevron Rug is From Rugs USA. They have an amazing selection and i purchased during their January sale and I got 60% off of a 9×11 rug! Yowza
- Pillow are all made by yours truly
- Duvet cover is from West Elm, its hard to tell in the pictures but the fabric is tufted and i love it!
- Everything else; bed, bookshelves, table/chairs, wall accessories – IKEA
The wall mount buckets are from the kitchen section, they currently hold crayons and mini cars. Above this is the Wire wall mount to display art (sorry I didn’t capture it! I will for my second Bedroom post!)

I’m sooo loving the Ikea picture frame ledges for book shelves and they make it very easy for Savannah to actually see what what books she wants to read.

starting from left to right
- Herringbone Plate – DIY’d at Paint The Town
- Canvas Yarn Heart – DIY’d
- “Do Good” poster – etsy
- “Be Brave” Owl poster – society 6
- Ombre Color Display- DIY’d
- “solar system” poster – etsy
- Framed Letter “S” – DIY’d
- Butterfly poster – etsy
DIY’d art projects are mainly from Pinterest and from my favorite Blog {cape27}…

And one Final shot of the doll house my Dad assembled & mom painted for Savannah…lots of love in this room!
So far Savannah is digging the room and loves to play in it…we’ll see if I can get her to sleep in here. But potty training is higher on my priorities:)