It definitely seems very strange to be writing about organization and DIY with all the craziness going on in Boston and Texas right now. I’m thinking about all the people who have lost their lives and been injured in Texas and in Boston. Both are just incredible tragedies. It feels crazy to just go on with my life and not do anything…I guess I can at the very least donate blood, think good thoughts and blog? I’ll provide some mindlessness, this definitely helps me at times.
Well…contrary to my expectations I actually did get a little organized!
I posted {here} about some little organization ideas that I found on Pinterest…and I actually did a few! Check it!

Chalkboard labels for the garage just makes everything look so much more purposeful. I have 5 different styles of Tupperware bins and creating the chalkboard labels just makes them unified!
Project cost was Free! Already owned everything (but at Lowe’s a quart of chalkboard paint is about $13)!

And why not finally get these pantry essentials labels. This one has been 3 years in the waiting…you don’t even want to know how many times I grabbed the sugar when looking for the flour!
Project cost was Free! Already owned bins and chalkboard paint!

For the Chalkboard label projects I follow the below steps:
- Clean bins with rubbing alcohol
- Tape off area with Frog Tape – (the green painters tape its the bomb)
- 1 layer of Zinsser 123 primer paint
- 2 layers of chalkboard paint
My ultimate favorite!!! Command Strip Hooks to hang up the pan lids! Finally…can I get a hallelujah!
Project Cost was $8 for a 9 pack of command hooks!

And Here is one that I just love! Cork-board tiles on the inside of our cupboards. We have two cupboards that are used for storage/books, randoms & office stuff. This is such a great place for me to leave mail for Andy or leave his to do list…wink wink. I have the right side cupboard and Andy has the left side.
Project cost was about $20.
The cork-board is sold in a 4 pack and run about $10-20 for a 4 pack depending on the style you get. They also come with command adhesives!

I’m so appreciative of these small steps in organization. ..sometimes its the little things that make the biggest difference!