Why DON’T you love pinterest! Seriously it is the best resource I have found for anything DIY. And once i do find that thing I’m searching for I always find people and boards with mounds of pinned ideas (which usually consist of “how to’s”) on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! This weekend i went onto pinterest searched for “photoshop how to’s”. And after about 3-4 hours (of which i found time to do this in small increments at 5:30 am or 9 at night) I taught myself how to use photoshop. If I had googled this, there is no way i would have found these awesome how to’s. So i just had to share some of the tips!
(obviously I had a copy of photoshop, but you always find free trails online)

So after a little bit of elbow grease and tooling around…i now know the basics and a few trick in photshop. A lot of mommies have been buzzing about how pinterest and facebook just make them feel bad about not having time or effort to do things…like magical dinners, cute crafty ideas for their kids or having a well decorated house. And to them I say Pinterest is NOT about feeling bad about yourself…it’s about getting a wealth of knowledge from smart people.
Don’t feel bad about yourself…Knowledge is power People!