We have these two book shelves, purchased over 5 years ago from target that I’m currently using as a credenza. They were great for our townhome, but I am amazed that they have lived this long and until I find that great vintage dresser to paint (which I regularly search for a thrift stores) I just have to make this faux credenza work for us!
So last weekend I just said enough already and I worked what the townhome gave us!
I spent 1 hour (broken up into short 15 minute increments over 3 days) and added a chalkboard top to our boring book shelves!

The new chalkboard table top totally helps to define the credenza “moment”, I think it makes the Dick’s Art “pop” on the wall (jealous…yeah that’s a Liz McDonald piece) and the chalkboard top certainly gives these target book shelves a much needed face lift!
In all honesty I would love to get rid of them, but for now…I really like the change and I’m digging what we have going on!
Steps to painting:
- Tape
- Sand (I used a 220 grit, jut to rough up dirt and grime…no serious sanding done here)
- Clean with Rubbing Alcohol

- Prime – I brushed on & then rolled smooth
- Paint – 2 Coats – Brushed on & then rolled smooth

Here is the Before and After…and yes I used my camera phone for one and Nikon for other…lazy!
But you can see how the chalkboard top really makes the accessories and Art “pop”!

Plus..next time we entertain it will be fun to add a quick note on what’s for dinner!

Later this week I’ll be doing a recap of the cute Preppy Table Lamp that you saw in the pictures above, and since I think these book shelves will be staying around for the near future…I’m incubating ideas on {DIY} storage bins!
Hope you enjoyed!