OK…I had originally planned to post today about Laundry Room Reveal, but 2 really incredibly cool things just happened for the blog and I HAVE to share with you all!!!
First things first…Apartment Therapy Selected our Ikea Hack || Malm Upgrade to feature today! All I can say is WOW WOW WOW. I kinda feel like this little blog is graduating from training wheels…really I feel a little official! And I am just ecstatic that people are digging my hobbies! To be honest it can be a little hectic putting your work out there and in my head I’m just thinking…don’t be ugly, don’t be ugly 🙂
and Secondly, my bloggie friend Marie from Progression by Design nominated be for the Liebster Award!

This is truly a good spirit award…you don’t win anything…but it’s a virtual head nod/back pat from peers saying that you’re doing good things and working hard. The only people who should be nominated are new blogs…young out of the gate. You know the little tiny baby blogs like me! So part of the nomination is
#1 Nominated other blogs I love and have them answer 11 of my questions!
#2 you have to list 11 random facts about yourself and
#3 Answer 11 questions
I nominate:
Ingrid from Now At Home Mom
Ashley from Bigger Than The Three of Us
Eleven Facts About Me:
1. I can’t spell and have horrible Grammar! Ironic Right!
2. I have 2 sisters that are twins and 1 brother who is 15 years older than me! And yes all from the same parents, crazy right!?
3. I’m a crazy crazy obsessed dog lover. Let’s be clear…small dogs preferred J
4. My middle name is Michael and in second grade I changed it Rose, we are back to Michael now 🙂
5. I went to catholic middle school…yes uniforms!
6. I have crazy excel skills.
7. I don’t like to be limited…probably why I DIY!
8. I swear like a sailor
9. One time I got in a fender bender and I convinced the lady it was her fault…low point, I know. But I can talk my way out of A LOT…I think it comes from being the youngest of 4 kids.
10. I think banana popsicles are the worst invention on planet earth
11. I used to do Competitive Rhythmic Gymnastics as a kiddo
Marie’s Questions:
1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Being creative and having a connection with adults….I’m currently a stay at home mom, so it keeps me busy and keeps my brain ticking 🙂
2. If you could have lunch with any famous person dead or alive, who would it be?
I’m just gunna put it out there and say Nicole Richie, not because I loved the The Simple Life….but it’s because she’s a mom, works hard with her product lines and she’s got a potty mouth, just like me!
3. What is your favorite drink or cocktail?
4. If you could travel back in time, what year would you travel to? Why?
Hands down 16th century England…I’m obsessed with Philippa Gregory Books and all the Royal Drama!
5. What is your favorite book?
Are You My Mother by Dr Seuss…just kidding but that’s the hot bedtime read right now!
6. What is your favorite big time blogger?
Jessie from Cape27blog
7. What was your favorite Halloween costume? Why?
I always giggle when I see the dad dressed as a chef and the baby lobster in the pot…oh geez that’s so cute. But this year we are all going to be Cinderella. Our Dog will be Gus Gus
8. If your life had a soundtrack what three songs would be in it? What would be happening in the movie when the songs play? (does this make sense?)
Theme song to Cinderella – cleaning house
Call me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson – dancing with my 2 year old
Scream and Shout by Will i Am – more dancing (you can see my daughter has really good taste in music)
9. What is your favorite thing about life?
My Family!
10. If you could stay one age forever what would it be?
22! Just kidding but my daughter loves Taylor Swift too
11. What would you name the autobiography of your life?
Fake it till you make it!
My Questions For Those I Nominated:
1. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
2. What occupations did you want to be when you were a kid?
3. What is your favorite part about blogging?
4. What is the best trip you have ever taken?
5. If you could have anything…anything in the world what would it be (possession, super power, experience you name it)
6. What is your favorite Big Time Blogger?
7. Have you ever won a contest (non-blog stuff) what was it for?
8. What is your favorite and least favorite movie?
9. What is your favorite thing about life?
10. Where did you grow up?
11. What is your favorite blog post/project you have completed?