Lately Andy and I have been fantasizing about our own “Dream Rooms” for the house….and as I start to move into the “shopping/decorating phase” of the master bedroom overhaul I am finding more time to “project”.
If I could add anything to the house it would be a locked and loaded full on command station with endless storage, an outstanding work table/bench for projects and ridiculously organized tools. For, Andy it would be his own personal 24 hour fitness…gym, elliptical, workout bench, a flat screen, a kegerator…I know I know, they don’t have Kegs in Gym’s but who am I to kill a mans dreams!?
We certainly have the space to make these two dreams a reality….half of our 2 car garage is car-less and even given that…the garage is quite spacious so I’m eager to jump into this project.
I plan on doing the Garage Upgrade in 5 phases:
#1) Make a Mud Room
#2) Consolidate Storage
#3) Consolidate Utility Space
#4) Crazy Cool Work Station
#5) Insanely Sweet Workout Space
Here are the current Pictures of the garage today…brace yourself it’s a Hot Mess. Lots of Spiders.
1) Here is where I plan to Make a Mudroom

So Dirty in here! And yes the beer bottle opener on the wall will be staying.


2) This wall here is going to become the main storage area.

3) Here are the current and inefficient utility areas…Gardening and Garbage/Recycling Areas respectively.

To be read in a stoner voice…Check out that Sweet Ride.


4) This “frat-rigged” storage center is way too big, oddly shaped and a waste of good work space. This is where the new Crazy Cool Work Station will be!


5) Now look at the “before” picture above, then imagine where I was standing while taking that picture…that will be Andy’s Insanely Sweet Workout Space.
And I’d love to share inspiration for this one…but I don’t really have any yet! This portion is going to be the most challenging part of the project…I have no point of reference, I haven’t stepped foot in a gym in years!
So we established rules…Andy has agreed to regularly clean spiders and I have agreed to regularly sweep my sawdust…and if we maintain the project phases will commence!
I’ve already been ticking away at Phase 1 and I hope to get close to a “reveal” by end of next week…but who knows it’s actually supposed to be nice in Seattle this weekend, the pool is calling my name!Thanks for reading Peeps. Love Ya.