And the Final Project in the $40 > 4 DIY Projects > 4 Days posts is a very simple tutorial on probably the cheapest Headboard you can make!

Here’s a quick re-cap…
Day 1: {DIY} Reclaimed Wood Vanity Mirror
Day 2: Goodwill {DIY} Lampshades
Day 3: Gold Painted Vanity and Alabaster Lampshades
TODAY: {DIY} MDF Headboard

This project is incredibly simple and was basically free for me. The headboard is made of MDF Baseboard (2 sizes; 3 and 1/4 inches and 4 inches) which were left in the garage when we moved in. I have been eager to either use or get rid of it!
We’ve all seen pallet headboards…and I love the Idea, so I went with a slight less rustic look and used MDF baseboard and paint to build my headboard. So here is a quick and easy photo recap of the process with seriously took less than an hour to build.
{DIY} MDF Headboard Supplies List and Cost:
MDF or Horizontal pieces – your amount determined by size of bed – already owned
1 MDF pieces for your vertical mounting legs (if you plan to screw into your bed frame)
Square piece of scrap particle board or plywood – already owned
Gorilla or Wood Glue – already owned
Finishing Nails – already owned
paint – already owned
4 nuts and 4 bolts that fit the mounting holed in your bed frame – $3
paint – already owned
Total cost for me $3
First you cut the horizontal pieces your desired width (or the width of your bed). Then glue to the scrap square of plywood. Once dry nail with your finishing nails.
One the left picture you can see I drilled holes on the “legs” so I could easily mount this to the bed frame. Then I gave it 2 coats of paint.
I’ve been wanting to {DIY} a headboard for some time now and this is was a great solution for our guestroom. We very rarely use it this room, but I was eager to make is cozy (we have guest sleeping in there right now as I type!)
It really gives the room some balance and a finishing touch!

Thanks for reading this week for our $40 > 4 DIY Projects > 4 Days Posts.
I am off to get fabulous for a wedding and watch my little Savannah perform her fist role as flower girl! I DIY’d the cutest little flower girl dress…I’ll get some good shots today and share that with you all soon!