I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I mentioned the biggest project of the summer! Well it’s time for me to start bragging about our 200 feet of brand new fence! I’m sure most of you thought we just gave up on this project…and after doing it I wouldn’t blame anyone who decided to hire this type of job out! It was hands down one of the hardest projects I’ve ever done and let me be clear in that my Dad did most of it…so what does that say? Either I’m a wimp or my dad is Rambo!? I’m gunna go with a Rambo/Saint…I’m so lucky…he is generous with his wealth of DIY knowledge, he’s so giving with his time, he has put 110% into this fence. Oh yeah he has a pretty amazing tool collection!! Lucky girl over here!
But just because I haven’t been blogging about it does’t mean that it hasn’t been progressing! To recap, this fence rebuild has been in the works for the past 2 months…and is now basically complete!
If you want to read about Part 1 of the New Fence Project you can check it out here.
I left off the last Fence post with some major demolition and the beginnings of our frame…

after we completed the back side of the fence we worked our way to the hill side and begrudgingly discovered that there were 4 more posts that needed to be replaced…so back to the rental store we went and Andy got to work…first he started chainsawing the Ivy from the neighbors yard and second he got to grinding out the old concrete!
Cool your jets ladies…he’s taken!
Then once all the posts and beams were up…we all took our turn at planking!

I’m always the photographer….so you will almost never see me in action…but I swear I did work hard on this fence! What we couldn’t complete on the weekends Andy finished at night when he got home form work…best husband ever!
Once everything was planked we used a circular saw to cut a level edge (sorry no pictures on this step).

and below is the side of the fence…this hill was a doozie but luckily we only had to replace 1 post on the hill…the other 3 replaced were on the flat ground!

It’s hard to tell from the pictures…but things are actually sturdy and stable now and there is no more rotten planks!
Final step is staining and adding the wood capers!
I’m gunna be totally honest and say that building fence might be the hardest job on the planet. I have such appreciation for people who do this work!
Andy and I learned so much DIY skills during this project and I’ve decided that every person, man and woman, should know 3 things in life…how to sew a button, how to change a tire and how to build a fence! So I can check off 2 things on my list…I’m so happy that I have curbside assistance on my car insurance…no tire changing for me!